Technological forecast is a prediction of the future
characteristics of useful machines, 'products, processes, procedures or
techniques. There are two important points implied in this statement, viz.:
a) A technological forecast deals with certain characteristics
such as levels of technical performance (e.g., technical specifications
including energy efficiency, emission levels, speed, power, safety,
temperature, etc.), rate of technological advances (introduction of paperless
office, picture phone, new materials, costs, etc.). The forecaster need not
state how these characteristics will be achieved. His forecast may even predict
characteristics which are beyond the present means of performing some of these
functions. However, it is not within his scope to suggest how these limitations
will be overcome. Find the pefect HR software vendor.
b) Technological forecasting also deals with useful machines,
procedures, or techniques. In particular, this is intended to exclude from the domain of
technological forecasting those items intended for pleasure or amusement since they
depend more on personal fads, foibles or tastes rather than on technological capability.
Such items do not seem to be capable of rational prediction and thus the
technology forecaster generally does not concern himself/herself with them.
Table-1 : Technology Forecasting Methods and Techniques