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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Payment of Wage Act. 1936

Explain the purpose and application of the payment of Wages Act,1936. discuss the procedure of fine deduction from wages of employee in an organization you are familiar with.

Payment of Wage Act. 1936

The purpose of the Act :

The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 was enacted with a view “to regulate the payment of wages to certain classes of persons employed in industry”. The regulation contemperated by the Act is two-fold :

i. to ensure regular and prompt payment of wages
ii. to prevent exploitation of wage-earners by prohibiting arbitrary fines and deduction from wages.

Application of the Act

The payment of Wages Act, 1936 extends to the whole of India. It came into operation of 28th March, 1937. it applies in the first instance to the payment of wages to :


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Factors of Change

Discuss major factors which are responsible for change in an organization ? how the successful organisation maintained their success ?

Ans: In the last two decades there has been a change in organizations for some very good, mutually supporting reasons and the one needs to find ways of managing, suited to specific, strategic circumstances.

What are successful organization ? in the business world, they have three characteristics:

• They are more profitable than their counterparts,
• They are growing faster than their competitors, and
• They are recognized as leader of at least some part of industries.

Most important of all, is there any reason to hope for a renaissance of management that can create a better world ? This is question where the rule and not the exception, is successful organizations run by happy people; where the goals of organizations inspire passion and not problems, where leaders coach and counsel rather than command and control; and where we know hoe to sustain these characteristics in the face of intensive competition and wrenching change, so that future generations do not have to repeat the pain and suffering being experienced throughout the world or organization today. dealdashtips

There are reasons why we live in difficult times, that there is a discipline – grand strategy – to bring it about. Grand strategy is therefore about the transformation of the management itself. Its purpose is to find a superior way of managing the ultimate competitive advantage.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Resistance to Change

Why do individuals and organizations resist change ? explain instances of resistance to change in any organization and the effectiveness of management strategies to overcome the resistance.

Ans : The main reason behind the employee’s resistance is the underlying fear and anxiety caused by uncertainties of change. In most situations resistance arises out of individual problems rather than technical problems. Resistance is often because of attitudinal factors and blind spots, which the functional specialists have as a result of their concern for and preoccupation with technical aspects of new ideas.

One of the common reasons for resisting change is the feeling of discomfort with the nature of change itself, which may violate their moral belief systems. Another reason for resistance may be the method in which change is introduced. This is observed when authoritarian approach is used and people are not informed. Other reasons for resistance may be inequity where the employees feel that someone is likely to get greater benefit than they are likely to get.



Saturday, November 21, 2009

Behavioral Theories of Motivation

Explain behavioral theories of work force motivation and relevant issues. Discuss their implications for policies and practices in any organization your are familiar with.

Ans : Every reward or element or compensation / remuneration has a behavioral objective and seek to fulfill a need (physiological or psychological) and achieve a goal. Luthans argues that ‘motivation is a process that starts with a psychological or psychological deficiency or need that activates a behavior or a drive that is aimed at a goal.

Reward systems are aimed at compensating people for their skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions and motivating them for higher performance. Behavioral science theories are classified into three categories, content, process, and contemporary theories.


The content theories look at what motivates people at work. Maslow, Hergberg and Alderfer contributed significantly to content theories. These are very briefly outlined here:


Interventions for Change

Explain the concept of intervention. Describe the interventions which have been used in an organization you are familiar with. Give reasons for using them.

Interventions for Change in Organisation:

The term intervention refers to all the planned programmatic activities aimed at bringing changes in an organization. These changes are intended to ensure improvement in the functioning of the organization- in its efficiencies and effectiveness. The changes are brought through the employees in the organization while consultants facilitate the change process. Any OD intervention, therefore, involves close interaction between the consultants and the client organization.

Intervention basically refers to an intended activity to bring change in the organization and the consequent activities within the organization.

Who makes the interventions?


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Merger and Acquisition

Explain the concept of merger and acquisition. Describe the role of agencies in the formation of mergers and acquisitions. Illustrate the process of merger and acquisition with reference to an organization.

Ans : Management theory and practice has given change theories, models and tools but intense competition forces organizations to grapple the change which is changing faster than change itself. One of the successful ways of meeting such contingencies is restructuring. The current restructuring modes all over the world appear to be the phenomenon of mergers and acquisitions.

Every mergers or acquisition goes through a learning process of its own. Peter Drucker, for instance provides a set of ‘rules’ of successful acquisition. If managed properly merger and acquisition (M & A) can help the organization take a path of growth and prosperity.

Concept of merger and acquisition : 


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Organisation Culture

What is organization culture? Describe how organizational culture change can take place ? illustrate from an organization where culture change had taken place.
Ans : Organization culture covers a wide range of behaviour : the methods of production, job skills and technical knowledge, attitude towards discipline and punishment, the customs and habits of managerial behaviour; the objectives of the concern, its way of doing business, the methods of payment, the values placed on different types of works, belief in democratic living and joint consultation, and the less conscious conventions and taboos.

Definitions of Culture :
According to Schein (1885) the term “culture” should be reserved for the deeper level of basic assumptions and beliefs that are shared by members of an organization, that operate unconsciously, and that define in a basic “ taken-for-granted” fashion an organisation’s view of itself an its environment. The assumptions and beliefs are learned responses to a group’s problems of survival in its external environment and its problems of internal integration.

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