Information Systems Life Cycle can be divided into three broad categories.
The remaining steps in
the systems development process translate the solution specifications
established during systems analysis and design into a fully operational information
system. These concluding steps consist of programming, testing, conversion, and
production and maintenance.
1. Programming
The process of
translating design specifications into software for the computer constitutes a
smaller portion of the systems development cycle than design and perhaps the
testing activities. But it here, in providing the actual instructions for the machine,
that the heart of the system takes shape. During the programming stage, system
specifications that were prepared during the design stage are translated into program
code. On the basis of detailed design documents for files, transaction and report
layouts, and other design details, specifications for each program in the
system are prepared.
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Some systems development
projects assign programming tasks to specialists whose work consists
exclusively of coding programs. Other projects prefer programmer/ analysts who
both design and program functions. Since large systems entail many programs
with thousands – even hundreds of thousands – of lines of code, programming
teams are frequently used. Moreover, even if an entire system can be programmed
by a single individual, the quality of the software will be higher if it is subject
to group review.